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First Impressions

Making a good first impression with your guests can set the tone for their entire holiday. DR House Temizilik Servisi goes beyond just cleaning your holiday rental or hotel rooms, we add extra touches.


We offer creative towel design, mints on pillows and chilled wine and fruit service. Let your guests feel the pure pleasure of being pampered and make their welcome one they will remember. Let us know what extra services you would like added to your basic cleaning and we will ensure everything is ready when your guests arrive. 


 We ensure your holiday rental or hotel makes a great first impression. 

Steam Clean

In the hospitality industry, pleasing guests means the difference between success and failure. It is imperative that hotel and restaurant facilities maintain clean, fresh smelling (the number one reason cited by customers for not returning to certain hotels is bad odor), sanitary environments.


Our steam cleaning equipment works without chemicals, using very little water, and runs on electricity to provide our professional cleaning crews with a highly efficient and effective way to clean multiple spaces in less time. Our hotel cleaning equipment can be used to sanitize mattresses, eliminate bed bugs, spot clean carpets, clean moldy grout and marble surfaces including flooring, without harsh chemicals that can leave behind strong odors that can aggravate guests.






Holiday Rentals and Hotel Cleaning service


DR House Temizlik Servisi offers cleaning services for holiday rentals and boutique and medium sized hotels. From deep cleaning when you open your property for the season to regular guest cleaning, we have a service package right for you. We clean in crews of 3 or more trained professionals allowing us to clean your property in the shortest time possible. We manage the scheduling and provide all cleaning supplies needed to clean your rental property or hotel. Our services allow you to concentrate on booking your rentals and leave the cleaning worries to us. 


CALL FOR SERVICE  232 361 1912



DR House Temizlik Servisi is the proud sponsor of PAWS Turkey. We donate 2 YTL from every cleaning job to feed, rescue and home street animals of Turkey. To learn more about PAWS Turkey and the wonderful work they do visit them on Facebook or their website.


DR House Temizlik Servisi is working in collaboration with SMART Villa Holiday rentals and Terraforma Landscape solutıons.

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